special uses

just like you ✨

The architecture underlying Pharos was intentionally designed to be customizable enough to enable several niche use cases that are not yet common practice in the industry. Perhaps the market decides that none of these use cases are significant, but supporting them is important nonetheless, as they inclusion allows discovery of use cases that have not have been possible yet.

Private Lending

Users can limit who is able to fill their offers based on filler address. This allows for private lending without the need for a human broker. Sounds pretty boring at first, but it is easy to imagine several use cases for this functionality.

One user can offer a unique set of loan terms to another user. Perhaps because they pre-negotiated the deal irl and want to execute the agreement on-chain.

Institutional lenders could create large supply markets and restrict fillers to users who KYC with them. Enabling compliance with the lender's legal requirements.

A protocol can offer unique lending terms within their community. Perhaps it is discounted lending rates on protocol assets to their users, or an in-house valuation on using NFTs as collateral.

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